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Research Skills Summer School for practitioners: A series of workshops aimed at up-skilling practitioners and researchers in diverse research skills

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The CRN has rolled out a Research Skills Summer School for practitioner researchers and research interested professionals, including early years educators, social workers, youth workers, teachers, research consultants and early career academics. A full listing of workshops is now available.

Workshops include: 

· 31st August 5.30-7.30pm Quantitative Data Collection Methods (with Leonor Rodrigues, NUIG) 

· 7th September 6-8pm Recruitment and Sampling (with Ailbhe Booth, UCD)

· 14th September 6-8pm Statistical Analysis (with Aisling Sheehan, Centre for Effective Services)

· 21st September Practitioner Research and applying research to practice (with Emer Ring, Mary Immaculate College)

· 28th September Ethics (with Maire MhicMhathuna, DIT)

· 5th October Practical Writing Workshop (with Maja Haals Brosnan, Children's Research Network)

· 12th October Qualitative Data Collection methods (with Leonor Rodrigues, NUIG)

· 26th October - Reporting quantitative findings (with Amy Healy, Mary Immaculate College)

Registration will open soon for the entire series and more sessions will be confirmed on the site in due course. To book in to individual sessions visit the Children's Research Network website. 

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