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New Undergraduate Liaison joins forces with Postgraduate Network

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PG Network   Undergrad Liaison

DSAI are delighted to note the addition of a new Undergraduate Liaison role to our Steering Committee. The Undergraduate Liaison will work closely with our existing Postgraduate Network Representative and wider Study Groups to enhance opportunities for student engagement with the DSAI activities. 

This month we welcome Sophie Healy-Thow as she joins DSAI in this role. Sophie is a youth activist who promotes Food Security and Gender Equality. She is a Lead Group Member of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement (SUN) and serves on the Board of the leading international charity ActionAid UK. She is also co-founder of “Agrikua”, an online platform which aims to promote women and decrease the gender gap in agriculture in developing countries with 8 young people from across the globe.

Sophie is one of the 10 women leaders featured in the Disney book 'Choose to Matter' by ESPN presenter Julie Foudy which encourages young women to find the leader within.  In 2014 She was named by TIME magazine as one of the most influential teens. Sophie studies International Development and Food Policy at University College Cork.

As part of her role Sophie will join forces with existing DSAI Postgraduate Network Convenor Ami Matsutani to deliver joint Undergrad Liaison & Postgrad Network online events supporting dialogue for new and early-stage researchers with an interest in development.

Ami joined DSAI as Postgraduate Representative earlier this year and is a master student of Peace and Conflict at University College Dublin. Her work focuses specifically on gender equality. Before starting a master's degree, she graduated from Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan, with a bachelor's degree in Global Management. After graduation, she lived in Germany , engaging with cross cultural issues with a particular focus on refugee communities and gender equality. 

Students can connect with upcoming events of the Undergrad Liaison & Postgrad Network forum by emailing or via twitter @DSAI_Postgrad. 


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