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Call for Contributors: Gender and Development Education

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Centre for Global Education is inviting contributions to Issue 29 of our bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review on the theme: “Gender and Development Education”. 

ISSN: 2053-4272 
Issue 29 Call for Contributors
Gender and Development Education

Against the backdrop of a particularly invigorating year in 2018 with the #MeToo movement globally and the Centenary of the Suffragette and Repeal the 8th movements in Ireland, we are interested in exploring the links between gender and development education.  Contributions may address, but need not be restricted to, some of the following topics.

  • The significance (or not) of gender within development education;
  • The construction and representation of gender in development policy / curricula / organisations / practice;
  • The influence of theories of feminism and masculinity on theories and practices of development education;
  • The relevance of development education in transforming gender power relations – e.g. GBV activism and campaigns like #MeToo and #ThisIsNotConsent;
  • Examples of good practice – e.g. the use of gender analysis in development education policy and practice.

Authors interested in submitting an article should send a 300 word précis to journal editor, Stephen McCloskey, email:  The submission date for commissioned articles is Friday, 26 July 2019.


Article Types

There are four kinds of article published in Policy and PracticeFocus articles are peer reviewed, between 3,500 and 6,000 words, and should have a strong critical analysis of their topic.  The second is a Perspectives article which is 2,000 – 4,000 words in length and is normally more descriptive, addressing an aspect of practice.  Viewpoint articles are designed to provoke debate a given topic and more subjective in the presentation of their argument.  Resource review articles are 1,000-2,000 words in length and offer an opinion of a new book, film, teaching resource or online site on development issues.


Policy and Practice is now on Facebook

Please ‘like’ the journal on Facebook which now has an account at  We will post new articles and updates on the Facebook site.  You can also feedback to the Centre on journal content.


Policy and Practice is funded by Irish Aid.



For further information contact:
Stephen McCloskey
Centre for Global Education
9 University Street

Tel: (0044) 2890 241879


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