Conference Theme: Climates of/for Development
Abstracts are invited from academics, postgraduate students, policymakers and practitioners
Deadline Extended: 12 noon Friday 10th September 2021
Submission Detail
The Development Studies Association Ireland (DSAI) conference will address the issue of climate change and governance from a critical perspective through thematic breakout sessions led by the DSAI Study Groups: Adaptive Programming; Business Development; Civil Society; Climate and Development; Education; Gender Studies; Humanitarian Action; Information Technology and Development (ICT4D); and Nutrition and Health
All abstracts and the requirements below, should be submitted electronically as a word file attachment and emailed to with ‘Conference Abstract’ in the email subject field by the deadline of 12 noon Friday 10th September 2021.
In the word file attachment, please include all the following details:
- The abstract title
- Four to Six keywords
- The name of the DSAI study group most relevant to your presentation
- Full Titles, names, and affiliations of the author(s)
- The Primary email address for all correspondence.
- The abstract itself in 200-300 words
You can read more about the Conference Theme here.
Decisions about the acceptance of abstracts will be communicated in October.