DSA Ireland are delighted to partner with TIDI (Trinity International Development Initiative) on this interactive, participatory research Summer School, which will focus on three key areas of development; health, gender and education, where translation of research into practical and relevant knowledge for transformation and change has been met in different ways.
Compared to internationally, Ireland has low-level use of research for policy-making. One of the main aims of this Summer School is to support the use of research for policy-making, increase researchers’ engagement with policy-making and outline how this approach can be used to instigate real change.
The Summer School will offer the opportunity to provide greater accessibility for research findings and understand the needs of policy-makers and practitioners, as well as exploring the complexities of the policy-making world and its relationship to politics. It will also provide insight into development strategies which emphasize the use of policy cohesion and evaluation. The Summer School will take place over one day and will consist of 4 seminars which will be delivered by academics and research consultants who are leaders in their field.
Venue: The Global Room (beside the Academic Registry), 1st Floor, Biotechnology Building, TCD Campus
Date: Tuesday 10 June 2014
Time: 9am – 5.30pm
To reserve a place at the Summer School please e-mail Dawn Quinn, TIDI/DSA Ireland Coordinator: dquinn4@tcd.ie/info@dsaireland.org