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Call for tenders on business and human rights

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Christian Aid Ireland's call for tenders on business and human rights: the case of the Cerrejon mine, Colombia

Christian Aid Ireland is looking for a consultant to develop a position paper on the case of the Cerrejón mine, north eastern Colombia.  Cerrejón is one of the largest open-cast coal mine in the world in an area where the majority of communities are indigenous Wayuu and Afro-Colombians. The mining companies involved have been consistently accused of human rights abuses against the local community, and in July 2018 it emerged that 90% of Ireland’s coal burned at Moneypoint electricity power plant, Co. Clare, is imported from the Cerrejón mine.   

We are inviting tenders to develop a position paper that will look at the human rights abuses as a result of the mine, including the train line to transport the coal, as well as an analyses of the relevant international human rights law, standards and guidelines (including environmental agreements), under which Ireland is accountable, and how the Irish government and Irish companies can improve their policies and practices in order to uphold human rights obligations.

We estimate that the role will be approximately 15 days over the next four to five months.

The terms of reference for the tender can be found here - - and applications must be submitted by Tuesday 4th June to Gráinne Kilcullen -


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