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Raw Materials Extraction in Africa


Trinity International Development Initiative

TIDI seminar in association with the TCD Raw Materials KIC

Trinity College Dublin is a core partner in the EU Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) on Raw Materials, the largest (>115 member spread over 20+ EU countries) and strongest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. EIT RawMaterials, initiated by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) and funded by the European Commission, is the largest and strongest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide.

Its mission is to boost competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation and guided entrepreneurship. The Trinity International Development Initiative is proposing a seminar to critically examine this process and the role of raw materials in development in Africa, bringing together speakers from industry and academia. Full details will be on the TIDI website shortly


Prof. Chris Adam, Department of International Development, University of Oxford
David Horgan, Director, Botswana Diamonds, plc
Prof. Padraig Carmody, Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Damaris Fernandez, Raw Materials Knowledge and Innovation Community, Trinity College Dublin

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