When: Wednesday 8 July, 2pm, Zoom
Link to register: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/humanitarian-research-learning-series-equitable-research-partnerships-tickets-110501462850
The second event in DSAI's Humanitarian Action Study Group learning series explores what conditions facilitate equitable and fair research partnerships, challenges or obstacles to building lasting and sustainable collaborations, and practical strategies for overcoming these. The event will include a short introduction from each speaker reflecting on the nature of the partnership(s) in which they are engaged; followed by a discussion and Q&A from attendees on common challenges to building equitable and sustainable partnerships, and strategies for overcoming these.
- Martin Ewi and Dr Akinola Olojo, Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa)
- Molly Gilmour, University of Glasgow
- Dr Brendan Ciarán Browne, Trinity College Dublin.