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EADI COVID-19 Virtual Dialogue Series#1 "Food chain resilience in India during the covid-19 pandemic"



When: 3 September, 14:00 (13:00 Irish Time)

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The EADI COVID-19 Virtual Dialogue Series starts with an event on 3 September, 14:00 on "Food chain resilience in India during the covid-19 pandemic".

With Sudha Narayanan: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian government imposed a stringent national lockdown from March 24-May 31 that caused severe disruptions across agrifood supply chains from “farm to fork”. Agrifood markets in India, both in urban and rural areas, constitute a mosaic of diverse actors and tend to be highly fragmented. How did this complex system cope in the wake of lockdown?

This talk will present findings from research on food and agricultural markets in India post-lockdown. Despite the early confusion, anxiety, and disruptions, there is now widespread consensus in India that the agrifood system has been surprisingly resilient. Yet, large constituencies remain vulnerable. While consumers face rising prices, producers have seen prices collapse for several commodities. Food insecurity remains widespread. Providing continued and effective relief must remain a priority for the Indian government in the coming months.

Dr. Sudha Narayanan is an associate professor at the  Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in Mumbai, India. She holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University. Her main fields of interest are agricultural economics and development economics. Her current research focuses on social protection programs, food and nutrition policy, agricultural markets, rural labour markets, gender and financial inclusion.

This event is part on our Virtual Dialogue Series on COVID 19: National and local coping strategies following the Covid-19 pandemic. Speakers from around the world will explore the variety of responses to the pandemic from a multidisciplinary perspective and offer insights into the local realities and lived experiences in different regions. 

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