When: 16th June; 2.00-3.00pm
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FoYxWTo0TeCmn72rnvHV5w
Chair and Moderator: Prof Amit Prakash
Host: Dr Nita Mishra, Convener, Civil Society Study Group, DSAI
Speakers: Dr Ibrahim Natil and Dr Galia Chimiak
Speakers will respond to the following questions:
- What is the central focus of your book?
- Are you discussing international NGOs or smaller local NGOs? Which type of NGO/INGO/CSO according to you is more helpful in the long run?
- Do you think NGOs have relevance in a post COVID-19 scenario?
2.00-2.10pm - Introductions Dr Nita Mishra
2.10-2.15pm - Welcome from Chair, Prof Amit Prakash
2.15-2.25pm - ‘NGOs in Development: Perspective of Former Aid Beneficiaries’, Dr Galia Chimiak
2.25-2.35pm - 'The barriers to effective civil society organizations: political, social and funding shifts', Dr Ibrahim Natil
2.35-2.55pm - Q&A & Concluding Remarks, Chair, Prof Amit Prakash
2.55-3.00pm - Thanks and Close
Dr hab. Galia Chimiak is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Her major research interests are in civil society, NGOs’ human resources and international development cooperation. Galia Chimiak has been engaged in studying and cooperating with national and international NGOs for more than two decades now. Other than her academic involvement, she has worked as aid coordination specialist for UNDP – Bosnia and Hercegovina. She is also a member of the Development Education and Awareness Raising Multi-Stakeholder Group with DG DEVCO.
Dr Ibrahim Natil is a lecturer at Dublin City University, teaching politics and business at the Centre for Talented Youth, CTY Ireland at Dublin City University (DCU). Dr Ibrahim Natil is the winner of the Robert Chamber best overall paper, selected by DSA Ireland. He is also a research fellow at the Institute of International Conflict Resolution & Reconstruction (Dublin City University). He is the Co-convener of NGOs in the Development Study Group, DSA-UK. He is an international development consultant and has worked for many civil society organizations. He has managed more than 56 human rights, women's and youth empowerment and peace-building programs since 1997. He has co-edited-- Barriers to Effective Civil Society Organizations (Routledge 2020) and the Power of Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa: Peace-building, Change, and Development (Routledge 2019). He has widely published on peacebuilding, human security, conflict resolution, civil society, international relations and political violence topics. He has also published blog-pieces for audiences beyond the academic.
Amit Prakash is Professor of Law and Governance at the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He holds a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He has also been invited as visiting professor by the Maison des Sciences de l’Hommme, Paris, France; Sciences Po Bordeaux, France; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Stockholm, Sweden; the Südasien Institut, Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Freie Universität Berlin; and, as ICCR Chair of Indian Studies at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. Prof Prakash has authored many books and has recently completed a Ford Foundation project on Mapping Indicators of Governance for India; and a European Commission supported research project The Role of Governance in the Resolution of Socioeconomic and Political Conflict in India and Europe (CORE). amit@jnu.ac.in
Dr Nita Mishra is the convener of the Civil Society Study Group of DSAI. She works as researcher in International Development in University College Cork.