Chaired by Nutrition and Health Study Group Convenor Jacinta Greene
- 'What enables and hinders the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital/ Community Initiatives to support breastfeeding globally: findings from a scoping review' - Anne Matthews, School of Nursing DCU
- 'Fragility and Health Resilience: Building health resilience of communities and health systems to climatic shocks and stresses' - Mesrak Nadew, Resilience Lead-Health- MIHR- GOAL, Isabelle Bremaud, GOAL Resilience Advisor
- 'Strengthening Nutrition and Health Resilience for People Vulnerable to the Impact of Climate Change using MAMI approach' Hatty Barthorp, Global Nutrition Advisor, GOAL, Marie Hallissey, Global Health Advisor, GOAL
- 'World Vision Ireland’s Adaptive programming for Nutrition in the context of Climate Change', Anne-Marie B. Mayer, World Vision