Friday, 15 May 2020 from 15:00 to 16:15 (Singapore Standard Time Singapore Time)
Organised by Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), National University of Singapore
The Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) is an autonomous research institute at National University of Singapore. The establishment of ISAS reflects the increasing economic and political importance of South Asia, and the strong historical links between South Asia and Southeast Asia. ISAS is dedicated to research on contemporary South Asia. The Institute seeks to promote understanding of the region, and to communicate the knowledge and insights about it to policymakers, the business community, academia and civil society, in Singapore and beyond.
Introductory Remarks
Prof C Raja Mohan
Institute of South Asian Studies, NUS
Panel Discussion (Webinar)
COVID19 and its Economic Impact on Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
Guest Speakers
Dr Ganeshan Wignaraja
Executive Director and
Chair of the Global Economy Programme
The Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute, Sri Lanka
Professor Selim Raihan
Professor, Department of Economics
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and
Executive Director of the South Asian Network on
Economic Modeling (SANEM)
Dr Amitendu Palit
Senior Research Fellow and
Research Lead (Trade and Economic Policy)
Institute of South Asian Studies, NUS
Question and Answer Session
End of Session
Introductory Remarks
Prof C Raja Mohan
Institute of South Asian Studies, NUS
Panel Discussion with Guest Speakers
Dr Ganeshan Wignaraja
Executive Director and
Chair of the Global Economy Programme
The Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute, Sri Lanka
Professor Selim Raihan
Professor, Department of Economics
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and
Executive Director of the South Asian Network on
Economic Modeling (SANEM)
Dr Amitendu Palit
Senior Research Fellow and
Research Lead (Trade and Economic Policy)
Institute of South Asian Studies, NUS
Question and Answer Session
End of Session
Image by khurshid alam from Pixabay