This new report from the Centre for Global Education is based on a study visit to four Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan in November 2021. The visit aimed to assess how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on the education of Palestinian refugees both during an extended lockdown period when schools were closed from mid-March 2020 until the middle of August 2021, and since the resumption of face-to-face teaching in late August 2021. The itinerary undertaken by CGE included four refugee camps - Amman New Camp, Marka, Jabal El-Hussein and Jerash – which are located in four different education areas in Jordan (North Amman, South Amman, Zarqa and Irbid). The report identifies issues that cut across all four areas which had impacted on teaching staff and students in the schools visited in each camp. With most children in Palestinian camps struggling with the challenges of home schooling, it is likely that the pandemic has deepened the educational inequalities already experienced by the majority of Palestinian refugees in Jordan.