A recently published series of three Rapid Responses on 'Researching in the Age of COVID19', edited by Helen Kara and Su-Ming Khoo helps academic, applied and practitioner-researchers worldwide adapt to the new challenges COVID-19 brings.
You can watch this interview with the Editors' in MethodSpace, read more about 'Collaborative editing for convivial and inclusive global scholarship' in The Research Whisperer or read this article on the big picture lessons emerging: 'How the pandemic has transformed research methods and ethics: 3 lessons from 33 rapid responses' in LSE Impact blog.
The Three Volumes:
Response and Reassessment (Vol I) - As the COVID-19 pandemic hit researchers’ plans, discussion swiftly turned to adapting research methods for a locked-down world. The ‘big three’ methods – questionnaires, interviews and focus groups – can only be used in a few of the same ways as before the pandemic. Response from adapting data collection methods, to fostering researcher resilience and rethinking researcher-researched relationships.
Care and Resilience (Vol II) - As researchers have begun to adapt to the continuing presence of COVID-19, they have also begun to reflect more deeply on fundamental research issues and assumptions. Responses from adapting data collection methods to fostering researcher and community resilience, while also attending to often urgent needs for care.
Creativity and Ethics (Vol III) - As researchers continue to adapt, conduct and design their research in the presence of COVID-19, new opportunities to connect research creativity and ethics have opened up. Respones to adapting data collection methods, fostering researcher and community resilience, and exploring creative research methods.