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MA Health & Society (Level 9)

University College Cork

Level Postgrad Diploma / Masters (level 9)
Duration 1 year (Full-time), 2 years (Part-time)
Faculty Focus Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Contact Person Dr Kian Mintz-Woo

Health and wellbeing are critical issues in society. This is an innovative joint programme, led by the Department of Philosophy, the School of Public Health, and the Department of Economics, which examines health and its social and policy determinants from a rich interdisciplinary perspective.

This MA programme is aimed at graduates from a broad range of disciplines in the medical sciences, economics, and humanities and is designed to provide a unique and critical analysis of contemporary discourses on health from an individual, societal and global perspective. This course is about health, but not exclusively healthcare, as health is both a medical and a social issue. You will explore health from a variety of different angles and to this end bring together health experts from a vast range of disciplines and colleges, including medicine, epidemiology, philosophy, economics, sociology, social policy, and law.

This is a full-time programme running for 12 months or part-time over 24 months from the date of first registration.  In total, you choose 90 credits comprising core modules and modules from your chosen pathway:

  • Philosophy
  • Public Health
  • Economics
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