Guidelines for authors
Draft papers for the Working Paper Series should be submitted electronically as MS Word documents to the DSAI coordinator at with 'WPS Submission' in the email subject field. Please title the attachment 'WPS'. Please address any queries also to this email address.
Papers should be double-spaced and can be up to 9,000 words. The first page of the draft should include (a) the paper’s title, (b) the author’s name, title, current address, telephone, and e-mail address, and (c) an abstract of no more than 150 words. No more than three levels of headings should be used.
Style of references
Authors should use APA referencing style.
All submissions should be emailed to DSAI coordinator at with WPS Submission in the email ‘subject’ field. Please address any queries also to this email address.
Note: Working Papers cannot have been published previously elsewhere in their current form but publication through the WPS on DSAI’s website does not prevent an updated or improved version from being submitted for later publication elsewhere.
You must be a member of DSAI in order to submit a working paper. Details of how to join can be found here.