The Impacts of COVID-19 in the Global South
Our central COVID-19 webinars listed below are delivered as part of DSAI's wider response to the pandemic under the over-arching focus on 'The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global South'. Along with our Call for Opinion Pieces and our COVID-19 Resource space, the webinars are part of a dedicated effort towards pooling and sharing knowledge, experience and expertise about the impact of COVID-19 on the developing world, approaches to contain it and offset its impacts.
As part of this work, DSAI are also delighted to announce the publication of the first book to look at the effects of COVID-19 in the Global South. Published by Bristol University Press, 'COVID-19 in the Global South - Impacts and Responses' draws together member contributions from a range of experts across various sectors and explores some of the key issues that have arisen in the Global South with the COVID-19 pandemic.